I have missed you over the past months as I have found myself unable to act. My life has become full of many small things that keep me busy and you, the Muse, has been left on the wayside.
We are all moving about our lives in an attempt to survive and somehow find fulfillment. We move in various ways and observe our movements, subjectively hoping to find greater purpose and a sense of wellbeing. I am similar. I am hungry in the soul. Throughout my days I find many forms of beauty that inspire me to action, but then the weight of reality and the pending nature of my “to do” list impress their power upon me and render me inactive.
Where is the balance? How does one find the time to complete all tasks they set before themselves and yet still find time to ponder, be inspired, and create? My Muse is fettered by responsibility just as many of you reading this are now saying, “Hey, so is mine!”
Is has been said that we are products of our environment, and yet, we choose where we go, what we do, and most importantly, how we perceive it. I urge your focus to be on the last of these for it is this aspect that becomes the most important. How we perceive our existence determines our outlook and future actions. A positive outlook can make any half-empty glass become half-full.
“Oh great!” you say “Now this is just another twit preaching how to get up on the right side of the bed.” Absolutely not! That is the kind of ‘quick-fix’ crap that misleads people into assuming they are happy when, in fact, they are miserable. What I am trying to say is that if you are not capable of seeing your environment positively then you need to change that environment immediately. The world does not owe you anything, nor will it ever. You are the only person that owes you a thing, so pay up or get out.
We now come to why I am calling my Muse back to me. Each day I find small inspirations from the music on the radio to the savantic mutterings of my students. Inspiration is all around us, however, it is only available to those who are listening for it. I have recently realized that my Muse did not leave me, it is simply that at some point I chose to stop listening for it. Then, one day, I heard something in a song, then I saw a pattern in the rays of the sunrise, and then I paused a moment when thinking of a fond memory. My Muse is here; always has been and always will be. So, am I calling my muse back to me? No, I am calling myself to listen and asking that if you feel similar you will do the same.
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