Some of you may have noticed that I have not been posting on this blog much lately. Despite this fact I have actually been writing quite a bit, but not things that are easily publishable online. I have had many interesting and soul-searching experiences during my substitute teaching this fall, however, it would be ill-professional to publish in-school experiences. But this is different, this is a blog of me saying "Yes, I got a job!".
When I went to my interview I felt trepidation coursing through me. I entered my first professional interview just hoping I wouldn’t swallow my own foot much less get the job. But then there I was in the interview acting calm and collected and saying what, apparently, were good answers to dynamic questions. Like most people I walked away with an exhale of breath and a silent prayer on my lips..."Please God, help me accept the things I cannot change."
My hopes were neither up nor down. As I considered the interview my hindsight was neither clear nor 20/20. How did I do? Did I say what they wanted to hear? Have I helped or hindered my future as an educator?
Two days later the phone rings and the hair on my neck stands erect. I twitch twice on the way to the phone. My body feels involuntary as I answer the call. The voice on the other end is kind. Perhaps this voice is merely playing out niceties in order to let me down nicely. What do you mean how did I feel the interview went? I am certain this is the pleasant let-down where they tell you it went well and not to be discouraged in applying for future positions. I listen with frenetic impatience trying not to let my anticipation show and then...the voice offers me the job. I shake my head. Did I hear that right? The voice repeats the offer. Oh my God! I did hear it right! I am close to hysterical with excitement; "I’m going to be a teacher! A real, honest to God teacher, with a cheesy coffee mug on my desk and all!" Finally I will be able to pursue what I have trained so long to do!
Needless to say, I am already preparing and am excited at the upcoming opportunities. Come January I will be a full-time teacher and I am pleased to tell you, my family and readers, that it makes me happy.
*Note: If you wish to know more please drop a line. I would love to share not only our recent events but yours as well.
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