Blogging - a vent, a process, a development

Blogging - a vent, a process, a development
Cheryl and I on a tandem bike we rented on Cat Ba Island, Vietnam during our wonderful honeymoon

Hello, and welcome to our adventures, misadventures, and general musings

Cheryl and I are now living in our little house on the prairie and are enjoying the non-stresses of small-town life. We miss our friends and family and love it when they are in touch.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What Direction This May Come

Which way are we all going? To each of us there is an direction unforeseen; a direction that must be followed. Fortunately for us we are all somewhat limited in our perception of it.

Where is this ridiculous airy notion coming from you ask? I have not written for some time and am just now realizing it is because I have been working so hard on trying to find work and define my plans of employment that I have ignored my lust to express in such a form as writing. I was just lying in bed and finishing a delightful novel by Stephen King. He followed up his story with a tirade of writing declaring that the rest of the story was soon to be written, however, it would span 3000 pages and take at least 300 years to write. He claimed he knew little of the details of the story but that somewhere within him was the knowledge, direction, and complete layout of the world he would create. And yet, does that not describe the mental existence of people? We are all aware of our ambitions but we only let ourselves find out on a need-to-know basis. Each day I learn more of myself just as you do. What fascination. Our lives are like a writer revealing a story unto their own self.

*Stay tuned for more cultural awareness in the future. I would have kept this writing for myself but it just felt so universal.

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