On our last long weekend Cheryl and I went to Koh Pangan. Why Koh Pangan you may ask? Because we had many wonderful friends with which to share the experience, that is why. Our wonderful friends Shawn and Sean have been traveling through various regions over the past several months. They stopped in to visit us in Bangkok some weeks ago. We met, talked, etc. and enjoyed the company. Then they took off to India, back to Thailand, off to Cambodia, and then once more to Thailand. They finally settled on a little piece of heaven called Koh Pangan; a little island in the south-eastern corner of the Bay of Thailand. From there they sent a message that they were staying and we were welcome to join them. Well now who are we to ignore an invite to join our friends on a sparsely populated tropical island?

We were also fortunate enough to have our two friends from our previous weekend on Koh Chang (Lainie and Heather) joining us as well as Lainie’s brother Evan. Althogether we were a motley Winnipeg crew of seven. It was wonderful having so many friends with nothing to do but laze about at a resort. Some of the pictures of the sunset are taken right from the porch of Shawn and Sean’s cabin whick was actually overhanging the rocks and the ocean.

Later on into Saturday night we began light-painting with Cheryl’s camera. This is a cool trick by using a timer on the shutter of the camera itself. We had a great time and came up with some pretty cool shots.

On the Sunday we traveled to a nearby beach and went snorkeling around a small island adjoining the larger one of Koh Pangan. The coral wasn’t as amazing as some I have heard about but it was very satisfying to see as it was my first time snorkeling in the ocean.
I hope the days of tropical islands will never end. I know that at some point Cheryl and I will be going back to Canada, but for now we go away every weekend and pretend there is no world beyond us, and no obligations come Monday. Although our futures may always encroach us, at least the present has a nice view.
*The picture of the sunset is taken by Cheryl Bates.
*The silhuette at sunset was taken by Jay Ewert.
*The light-painting shots were taken by Jay Ewert and buddy Sean on the beach (I’m so sorry Sean but your last name is escaping me. I hope you read this and leave it in the comments for this blog so you can get your proper creds).
1 comment:
Shawn said...
Hey guys!
Love the blog... brought me back to Koh Pagnang. I miss my hammock.
I often tell the story of how excited we all were, especially Jay, to have access to a luxury so great as a mini-bar. ;)
That weekend will go down as one of my favourite memories of Thailand.
Being back in Winnipeg has been interesting... the weather is strange, as per usual. It gets cold and rainy most of the week, dipping down into the single digits and then soars back up in the vicinity of 25 to 30 degrees on the weekend. I guess at least it's nice that we're having good weekends.
I told Tania the other day that I've had a nice visit and I will be heading back down to the beach now. So when you get really sick of work, etc... just remember, that at least the beach is still just a bus ride away. I suppose I could head out to Grand Beach... but I don't think it would compare very well. :)
Sean's back in school, and doing well as usual. I'm still job hunting, but may have something lined up... thank goodness.
Any way, hope you are both well. Keep up the awesome blogs... laughed my ass off at "buy my fruit"... I was woken up in similarly abrupt circumstances in Japan.
Take care!
ps. Sean's last name is McGillivray.
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