Blogging - a vent, a process, a development

Blogging - a vent, a process, a development
Cheryl and I on a tandem bike we rented on Cat Ba Island, Vietnam during our wonderful honeymoon

Hello, and welcome to our adventures, misadventures, and general musings

Cheryl and I are now living in our little house on the prairie and are enjoying the non-stresses of small-town life. We miss our friends and family and love it when they are in touch.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

More Music for the Masses

Hello all friends, family, and perhaps the occasional interweb-wierdo.

I have spent my afternoon doing nothing but recording music. I have recently been inspired by the song "Mad World" that Gary Jules covered around 10 years ago. This recording is a cover of a cover. I hope you like it.

Keep in mind these recording are on the fly. Otherwise, please scrutinize it and let me know how to improve. Enjoy...

P.S. I am adoring this Gary Jules guy. He has been my latest musical love affair. Check him out at

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