Well here we are as always, two people amidst a changing universe around us. Throughout history the world has always been subjective to the inevitability of change and Cheryl and I are no exception to this rule. Change is upon us, now how do we choose to receive it?
If you have been savy enough to engage with us personally then you no doubt are aware that Cheryl and I plan to relocate soon. During our escapade toward employment Cheryl was blessed with a job offer in Arborg (close to Gimli). She has since accepted the position and we have been moving ever-closer to our new future in the again frontier of the Canadian Prairies.
How are we receiving it you may ask? Well, we are ecstatic! Only yesterday we secured ourselves a house to rent complete with a beautiful backyard. The community of Arborg is lovely and the people are friendly. This is that moment in our lives when we embrace our coming of age and "come into our own" so to speak, and I for one am excited!
Although I am aware, as I stated initially, that everyone on Earth is experiencing change I feel particularly large in life because the changes Cheryl and I are currently engaged in are those of epic proportions. We are embarking upon the next step of life. Have you ever read that tiresome motivational poster that states "Today is the first day of the rest of your life"? Well, it suddenly makes sense. Carpe Diem brother, the world is turning!
but how are we to feel about all this? Like any life-changing scenario we are quaking with trepidation and anticipation. The ground is shifting and if we don`t shuffle soon we just might spill?. Everyone experiences those moments of personal apprehension when they realize they are getting older, or feeling that their boundaries have somehow changed due to the inevitability of entropy. Physicists hypothesize the Universe is currently etching outward and that all matter is slowly moving toward disarray. Do we all feel this apprehension as a manner of holding together what we thought we knew in light of this universal push towards disarray? Or, is it just simple xenophobic reactiveness; the unknown seeming to loom over us?
I feel this change is part of the natural process of life. Many past trials of life have taught me the tools required to advance ever further into the unknown of the future. And without my past failures I could never harvest the successes of the future. Therefore I greet the new challenges of the future with a lucid fervor. My past has granted me a dynamic life, beautiful partner, and a bright future. The only challenge that seems important at this point is to savor the now, and the now is savory. In several days our family and friends will all gather to celebrate our changing and growing lives. They will join us in solidarity to bless our future. Thus, savoring the moment is just what the doctor ordered. So,how are we taking the change? We are embracing it and counting ourselves as lucky.
*Blessings to all you readers that are experiencing change. And to those joining us in a few days, we are looking forward to facing changes with you by our side.